First Year Writing has developed syllabi for incoming faculty to use in their first semester of teaching ENG 110.
For your first semester, you should choose one of the following syllabi. Associated course readings and handouts for Navigating Mass Media, Making Sense of Monsters, Investigating Language and Literacy, and Exploring Language and Culture are available on Dropbox. Associated course readings and handouts for Taking Local Action are available in this Google Drive folder.
- Exploring Language and Culture
- Investigating Language and Literacy
- Making Sense of Monsters
- Navigating Mass Media
- Taking Local Action
We encourage faculty to adapt the syllabi to suit your needs after the first semester of teaching the syllabus exactly as it stands. That will give you time to become familiar with the goals and guidelines for ENGL 110 and figure out how you want to advance them. New instructors discuss a variety of approaches in the practicum in their first semester of teaching.
As you think about your course, you will also want to refer to the Syllabus Goals and make sure that you include all of the required syllabus components listed in this infographic. You may want to refer to these examples of the Course Overview.
Instructors using these syllabi are responsible for developing appropriate homework assignments that guide students as they draft and revise their essays.
Additionally, some portions of these syllabi will need to be updated:
- The instructor’s information on the first page.
- The Course Calendar (QC Academic Calendar)
- The policies. We have several versions of the policy statements for your syllabi, so you can cut-and-paste these documents to use the one(s) that work(s) best for you.
Also, as you practice developing the skill of writing syllabi that you can use throughout your teaching career, refer quickly to this checklist as well for guidance.
Previous versions of model syllabi follow for reference.
- Monsters [click here for course readings]
- Creativity [click here for course readings]
- Visual Culture: Photography [click here for course readings]
- Visual Culture: Art [click here for course readings]
- Visual Culture: Film [click here for course readings]
- Cultural Identity: American Contexts [click here for course readings]
- Cultural Identity: Global Contexts [click here for course website and readings]
- Language and Literacy [click here for course readings]
- Memory [course readings provided in syllabus]
For those of you teaching ENG 108 and ENG 109, here are some sample syllabi and lesson plan, with permission from Khanh Le and Sara P. Lopez Amezquita*:
*If you are adapting ENG 109 Sample Syllabus 2, please contact Sara to let her know.